Friday, October 12, 2007



Preface by J. W. Buel

Introduction by Arthur M. Reeves


Early Fragmentary References to Wineland

Wineland the Good Found


The Saga of Eric the Red

Eric the Red finds Greenland

Saga of Karselfni

Concerning Thorbion

Christianity is Introduced into Greenland

Thorstein Weds Gudrid, Apparitions Appear

Funeral Rites Among the Greenlanders

Beginning of the Wineland Voyages

Karlsefni Explores the Coast South of Vinland

The First Settlement in America

How a Woman Vanquished the Natives

Thorvald Killed by the Skrellings

Ireland the Great, or White Man's Land

Birth of the First White Child in America


Wineland History of the Flatey Book

History of the Flatey Book


Translations from the Flatey Book

Story of Eric the Red and other Voyagers

Eric Founds a Settlement in America

A Country Abounding with Grapes

Thorvald goes to Wineland

An Engagement with the Natives

Thorstein Dies in the Western Settlement

A Plague Visits Greenland

Voyages of Thorfinn and His Companions

Karlsefni Visits Leif's Booths in America

p. vi

Freydis Murders two Men and five Women

Death of Gudrid, Father of Snorre (Snorri)


Wineland in the Icelandic Annals

Bishop of Greenland goes to Wineland

The Church Fathers in the New World

Last Historic Reference to Wineland


Notices of Doubtful Value

The Wonderful Story of Biorn

Evidences of Irish Occupation of America

Difficulty in Locating "Newland"

Sagas that Puzzle Historians


Publication of the Wineland Discovery

Adam of Bremen Writes of Wineland

First Printed Theory Concerning Wineland

Arni Magnusson's Collection of Manuscripts

Sagas of which their Accuracy is Confirmed

Prof. Storm's Treatise upon the Wineland Discovery

Notes Explanatory of Prof. Reeves' Text


Arguments and Evidences Respecting the Wineland Discovery

Introduction to a Study of Icelandic Records

Scalds and Sagamen in Icelandic Literature

Establishment of Law in Iceland

Origin of the Saga

Records of Great Deeds Preserved by Skalds

Important Position Held by the Skalds

Preservation of Ancient Traditions

Second Period of Icelandic Literature

Purpose served by Skaldic Verse

Subjects Treated by the Sagamen

Passion for Travel among Icelanders

Arne Magnussen (Arni Magnusson) the Learned

Third Period in Icelandic Literature

Effect of Christianity's Introduction

Importance of the Islendingabok

Link that Connects the Written and Oral Annals

First of Icelandic Historians

Chronology of the Historical Sagas

Last Period of Icelandic Literature

p. vii

Decline of Literary Ambition

Rise of Romance and Chivalry

The Genealogist Succeeds the Skald

Saga of Eric the Red.

Discovery and Colonization of Greenland

Bjarne Seeks out Greenland

Bjarne is Driven upon Strange Shores

Results of Bjarne's Voyage

Columbus and the Norse Navigators

Voyage of Leif Erikson.

Leif Discovers America

Leif's Description of the New World

He builds (booths) houses in the New Country

Lief Rescues a Shipwrecked Crew

Thorvald Repairs to Vinland

His Fatal Encounter with the Natives

Voyage of Thorstein Erikson

Death of Grimhild

The Heimskringla Record of the Vineland Discovery

The Saga of Thorfin Karlsefni.

His Voyage to Greenland

Leif Erikson Entertains Karlsefni

Settlement in Vinland by Karlsefni

Description of the New Country

Karlsefni Explores the Country South

The First Year Spent in America

A Battle with the Skrellings

Another Settlement Founded in America

In the Land of the Mysterious Unipeds

The Posterity of Karlsefni

Voyage of Freydis, Erik's Daughter (translation).

Frequency of Voyages between Iceland and Vinland

Discord among the Vinland Colonists

Murderous Frenzy of Freydis

The Mansur Wood of Vinland

Geographical Notices and Comments on the Saga Records

Inscriptive Evidences of the Discovery

The Dighton Writing Rock

Analogy between Dighton and other Inscriptions

Runic Stone at Kingikvrsaak

Voyages in the Thirteenth Century

Norse Discoveries in the Arctic Regions

Navigation as a Science among Norsemen

Extensive Commerce with many Nations

Cause of the Hegira from Norway

p. viii

Minor Narratives of the Vinland Discovery

Translations from the Saga of Tryggvason

Colonization of Great Ireland

Translation of the Bjorn (Bjarne) Legend

Remarkable Story of Thorvald

A Plot laid to kill Bjorn

Critical Examination of the Testimony

Voyage of Gudleif to New Ireland

The White Chief sends a Message

Great Ireland a part of America

Indian Traditions of White Men

Evidence Presented by Ancient Charts

Traces of Irish Origin among Indians

Language Affinities between Indian and Celtic

Cortez writes of a Strange White People

Kind of Vessels used by the Irish

Druids and Gauls of Caesar's Time

How the Celtic Settlers Reached America

Similarity between Mexican and Egyptian Monuments




Recapitulation of early Voyages and Discoveries

Locating the Norse Settlement in America

A Boston Monument to Leif Erikson

Remarkable Find made by Prof. Horsford

Remains of Canals Dug by Norse Settlers

Inscription on Horsford's Commemorative Tower

Finding the Foundations of a Norse House

Prof. Anderson's Opinion of Norumbega


Norse Voyages in the Tenth and following Centuries

Inducements to Settle Vinland

The Catholic Church in Vinland


Columbus and the Norsemen

Credibility of Authorities Quoted

Columbus heard the Story of the Discovery

A Leif Erikson Commemorative National Festival


Discovery of America by the Irish

Authorities Respecting the Irish Discovery

A Mystery that may not be Revealed

Geography of Pre-Columbian America